On Reddit, voting puts power in the hands of the users. With an average of 165 million votes per day, redditors get to decide which content makes it to the top. Yet, nearly half of eligible American voters didn’t vote in the 2016 election.
On Reddit, voting puts power in the hands of the users. With an average of 165 million votes per day, redditors get to decide which content makes it to the top. Yet, nearly half of eligible American voters didn’t vote in the 2016 election.

This is why we launched Up The Vote, an initiative aimed at reminding redditors to vote where it matters most: the ballot box.

To highlight the value of each vote, we drew the parallel between content engagement on Reddit and participation in national, State, and local elections.

Pictures of our billboards started showing up across dozens of subreddits...

...where the real conversation happened

And starting on National Voter Registration Day, we hosted a series of Up The Vote AMAs to share information on how to participate in the election.